Friendship + Shimmy

52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”   Martin Luther King Jr.

I marvel at people that have friends they’ve known since childhood. It has been of the last twenty years that I’ve developed the desire & skill to cultivate long term friendships. My life is certainly richer for it!



Daily choice/action: Call a friend ~ When you’re mirrored with love, you see yourself clearly.

Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards

Share: What resulted in reaching out to a friend?

Before the Charleston there was the Shimmy – I’m thrilled to play with it in Nia class and beyond!

Click here to watch others *Dancing the Shimmy*

Nia Move: Shimmy

Daily practice: Standing upright vibrate your shoulders back and front. As if shaking water off move your chest forward and backward. Relaxing your jaw will allow your arms to hang loosely and relax your neck and shoulder girdle muscles naturally. Practicing Shimmy strengthens your Core, supports upright posture and builds endurance in small muscles.

excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas

Share: I’ve learned  _____________________ making befriending with Shimmy today!

One Response so far.

  1. This TEDx talk crossed my path today. Of course it did., for today I’ve set an intention to consider the Self-Care benefits of FRIENDSHIP. I’ve set an intention to notice the ways FRIENDSHIP enhances my life.

    The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff at TEDxCentennialParkWomen (cut and paste link)

    In the last 30 seconds Kristin Neff says “You know how to be a good friend. Remember to be a good friend to yourself.”

    To you…Julie

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